The Dewey Decimal System organises information into 10 main subject areas.
Here are the 10 main Dewey Decimal System subject areas with a list of some of the topics and types of items to be found in each one:
000-099 General Knowledge
Almanacs and Encyclopedias are kept here and you'll also find information about computers, libraries and museums here.
Lots of information in one book or in a set of books
100-199 Psychology & Philosophy
Information about death & dying, Ethics (the ways of behaving) , Feelings, Logic (about thinking) and about making friends. Optical illusions and superstitions are here too.
What we think about and how we think
200-299 Religions & Mythology
All about the religions of the world such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam and the Quakers.
Who made me and the world? Who was the creator?
300-399 Social Sciences & Folklore
Careers (occupations or jobs) , Customs such as marriages, birthdays and about festivals around the world. All about the environment and recycling, about families, and how governments work.
How people communicate and get along with each other.
400-499 Languages & Grammar
All the languages spoken including Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish. Sign languages are here too. You'll also find dictionaries in English and other languages.
What language do you speak?
500-599 Maths & Natural Science
Animals, Chemistry, Dinosaurs, Fish, Geology, Insects, Physics, Planets, and Plants
About the things in the world around us
600-699 Medicine & Technology
Engineering, Farming, Farm animals and Pets. Health, medicine and about the Human Body. About Food and healthy eating (Nutrition), How things are made (Manufacturing)
How we make nature work for us
700-799 Arts & Recreation
Architecture, Crafts, Drawing, Games, Jokes & Riddles, Music, Puppets and Kites, Sports
What we do for fun and relaxation
800-899 Literature
Stories, Plays, Poetry, and all about the authors who wrote them.
Stuff to read
900-999 Geography & History
Biographies, Countries of the world and travel, Explorers, Native Americans and the Inuit, Australia, and information about wars. Ancient civilizations-Greeks, Roman, Viking.
We people live in the world and how they lived in the past