The emu lives only in Australia.
Emus are birds but they can't fly.
Emus have long strong legs for running.
They are covered with fluffy feathers.
Emus eat grass, fruits, flowers, seeds and insects.
The emu (say ee-mew) is Australia's largest bird.
It is the second largest bird in the world by height. (The ostrich is bigger).
Emus can run at up to 50 kms an hour ©Getty Images
Emus are found only in Australia, and have been in existence since the time of the dinosaurs. There were once three species (kinds) of emu, but two are extinct.
Why don't emus fly?
The emu is part of a small group of birds called ratites, which are birds that do not fly. The other ratites are the ostrich in Africa, the Australian cassowary, the rhea in South America and the small kiwi in New Zealand.
Ratites do have wings but the bones across their chest do not have a part to which flight muscles attach. The sternum, or breastbone, of flying birds is shaped like a ship's keel, while ratites have a a raft-shaped breastbone.
Instead of flying, emus can run at speeds of up to 50 km per hour.
Where is the emu found?
The emu is quite common and is found over much of mainland Australia, though fewer live in desert areas. They were once found in Tasmania before the arrival of Europeans, but were wiped out soon after.
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Appearance and behaviours
Emus are about 2 metres tall. They have small wings that help the bird cool itself in hot weather - they hold the wings out so that the air can circulate around their body. The wings help them steer when they are running fast.
Emu females are generally larger than the males. The females weigh about 40 kilograms, the males about 36 kg.
An emu feather is a double feather.
Emu feathers are long and brown, and grow in pairs with two shafts joined at the base. They are the only birds that have double feathers. The barbs coming out of the shafts are separate, not joined together as they are in the feathers of birds that fly. This means that the bird looks more like it is covered in hair than in feathers. These soft feathers are not waterproof like the feathers of other birds, and an emu in the rain looks a bit bedraggled.
Emu feet have three toes, each with a claw. ©Getty Images
Emu necks are often without feathers, and the skin is bluish. Emu beaks are wide and soft, for grazing grass and browsing in bushes.
Emus make grunting noises and also a deep drumming sound.
Emus have long legs, with three large toes, each with a claw.
The knees can't be seen, the joint that is bending forward is the ankle. ©Getty Images
When emus sit, their feet go out in front of them.
People think their knees bend forward, but actually the knee is higher up, under the feathers so we can't see them. The part we see that bends forward is actually the bird's ankle.
Emus roam the countryside, usually alone. However, they sometimes live in pairs or small groups.
They sometimes have a dust bath to clean their feathers, but they rarely swim.
They are not aggressive animals, but rather curious. They are easily tamed.
Emus are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and meat. They eat fruits, flowers, insects, seeds and green plants. As they peck at the grass, they pick up snails, slugs and other grubs as well.
Birds have a part of their body called a gizzard. The food they swallow goes into the gizzard to be ground up so that it can be digested. Emus swallow quite large stones to help grind up the food in their gizzard.
Life Cycle
Emus generally find partners in summer, December-January, and breed in the winter months, May-August. If conditions are bad, such as a severe drought, emus may not breed at all, or the female may only lay a few eggs.
In excellent conditions she may lay a larger than usual clutch of eggs.
The large, dark green eggs are laid gradually over several days, usually 5-9 days. However, the will all hatch at the same time.
Male emu incubating a nest of eggs ©Getty
Newly hatched emu chick. ©Getty Images
The male sits on the eggs for 8 weeks until they hatch. He rarely leaves the nest, and does not eat much during this time. He moves only to stand and turn each egg, up to ten times a day.
The female does not stay with the eggs or chicks. Because the climate may be harsh, it takes a while for her to regain her energy so that she is ready to breed in the next season with a different male.
Emu chicks stay with their father for about 18 months. ©Getty
The chicks are cream coloured, with dark stripes running from head to tail. The chicks stay with their father for about 18 months. He misses the next breeding season in order to look after these chicks.
How big is an emu egg ? Here’s one on a man’s hand. ©Getty Images
Emu eggs are a beautiful dark green colour. They are big eggs.
The shell is thick, as it has to bear the weight of a large 36-40 kg bird sitting on the nest.
The shell has several different coloured layers, each of slightly different colours.
Conservation Status and Threats
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Emus were once hunted for their skin, which is a fine leather, and for feathers, meat and oil.
Emu oil, extracted from fatty tissues under its skin, has been used for thousands of years by First Nations peoples of Australia, for aches and pains, arthritis, headaches and other ailments. The oil contains many beneficial vitamins and acids.
Emu eggs were also taken so that decorative pictures could be carved in the shells, showing the different coloured layers.
All these products are now obtained from farmed emus.
Emus are generally not considered to be threatened, but in Australia's Northern Territory they are classified as Vulnerable.
Australia's Coat of Arms
Did you know?
The emu and red kangaroo stand on either side of Australia's coat of arms, or official badge. This is not only because both are the tallest animals found only in Australia, but because it was believed that neither animal can move backwards so they represent a country that moves forward. In reality, they are able to move backwards, but do so very rarely and not with ease.
Emus have a curious nature. ©Getty Images
It’s a good idea to get information from more than one source!
Read more about emus
Watch a video of an emu hatching from its egg:
Listen to a song about emus and watch them running ©Australian Broadcasting Commission & Education Services Australia 2012