Indian rhinoceros and calf. Getty Images
A rhinoceros is a big animal with one or two horns on its nose.
Southern white rhinoceros. Getty Images
Some kinds of rhinoceros have two horns on their nose.
Indian rhinoceros. Getty Images
Some kinds have one horn on their nose.
Some kinds of rhinoceros are very big animals.
Some kinds are smaller.
Rhinos have thick grey or brownish skin.
Southern white rhinoceros. Image©kidcyber
Rhinoceros eat only plants.
Some kinds of rhino have a flat mouth and eat only grass.
Black rhinoceros. Getty Images
Some kinds of rhino have a pointy mouth and eat leaves from bushes.
Indian rhinoceros calf. Getty Images
When a rhinoceros is born it has no horn, just a bump that will grow into a horn.
Southern white rhinoceros cow and calf. Image©kidcyber